Office Complex Averts Water Damage, Saves $20K with AlertAQ™

November 1, 2022
Exterior of medical office building

A property management team needed a water damage solution for a 4-story commercial condominium that houses several medical offices with high-tech equipment. Alert Labs water solutions were installed in less than one day throughout the 90,000 sq. ft. property. At 4:28 p.m. on the day of the installation, the install team received an automated phone call.

The AlertAQ™ Water Intelligence Platform sends emergencyalerts the instant there is a water problem.

Water leak alarm phone call

The phone call told them that there was a flood in a hard-to-access location of the building. Condensation had formed on a water pipe and started to drip onto the floor forming a small puddle. Because all Alert Labs sensors can be custom labelled, the install team knew exactly where the problem was and were able to resolve it in less than 10 minutes. The pipe was in an area that was not accessed often. This meant that the water could have continued dripping for weeks or even months. The flood phone call helped avoid $20,000 in estimated repair costs.

Scalable commercial water leak detection systems

The medical office continues to rely on Alert Labs water intelligence platform to help keep their building safe from water damage.

Healthcare facilities and medical office buildings are saving water and avoiding damage with AlertAQ™ water intelligence.